Finalist in the SIPA Awards in the category Stories with the series Natura Mortale.
Finalist in the the IACP Awards in the Best Editorial/Personal Food Photograph category.
Shortlisted for the 2019 Athens Photo Festival with the series Natura Mortale.
Part of group exhibition at Febal April 8-14 during Milan Design Week in Milan.
Part of group exhibition at Pitti Imagine Taste March 9-11 in Florence, Italy.
Now represented by the gallery Treacle Art.
2nd place (Silver) in the PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris in the category Fine Art/Still Life with the series Juxtapositions.
Honorable Mention in the Tokyo International Foto Awards for the Shadows Series.
Commended in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Award.
Part of the exhibition Foodgraphia, Milan(Italy) January 18-28 and Florence (Italy) April 2-9.
Shortlisted in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Award.
Nine photos nominated for the Food Photo Festival Awards and screened in the exhibition 18 May - 16 June 2017 in Vejle, Denmark.
Featured in Huffington Post in the article Food as Art: Out-of-the-Ordinary (Food) Instagrammers To Discover in 2017
Shortlisted/finalist in the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards in the Still Life category and two photos chosen for the exhibition at Somerset House, London.
Highly Commended in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Award and photo included in the exhibition at The Mall Gallery, London.
Ten photos Highly commended in the La Grand Photo Awards.
Honorable Mentions for the series Perceptions and Tables in the IPA Awards, Still Life Category.
Two Honorable Mentions in the 9th International Color Awards.
Nominee in the Fine Arts Photography Awards in the Still Life Category.
Two Honorable Mentions for the series Perceptions and Perish the thought, photos on decomposition in the ND Awards, Fine Arts category.
Finalist in 8th Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers.
Honourable Mention in the Still Life category of the Black & White Spider Awards.
Honourable Mention in the Still Life category of the IPA Awards.
Winner of Best Photography at the IACP's Digital Media Awards 2014.
Two Honourable Mentions in the Food category of the International Colour Awards.
Part of the EatArt exhibition at the Spazio San Giorgio gallery in Bologna, Italy.
Solo exhibition at Eko Galleriet in Uppsala, Sweden.